Saturday, October 20, 2018

A Week in our Shoes! 

If you would like to add to our class
MEA Break slideshow, please text a
picture of you enjoying
your MEA Break to:

View our team’s picture gallery here:
Pictures will be able to be viewed by families
in our class.

The gallery will be open October 12th - 21st

Literacy: Monitoring & Visualizing!

Through our Making Meaning curriculum, we have also been focusing on social emotional goals as well. We have been reflecting on how to be a fair partner, listen respectfully, and analyzing the effect of their behavior on others and on the group work. We wrapped up our second unit of our Making Meaning curriculum and will be starting our third unit based on making inferences (good guesses based on the text clues). Students will continue to share, take responsibility for their sharing/learning, and refer to the text to prove ideas and thoughts.

Math: Reviewing and Assessing Unit 1 Concepts

The majority of unit 1 is review, yet it does expand on some concepts. Place value extends into the thousands (this can be a tricky concept to grasp for some) and has students round larger numbers. Measuring time is also built on as students tell time to the minute and explain what elapsed time is and how to find it. We encourage the use of different strategies, and teach that part of math is following directions! 

We reviewed and assessed our understanding of these concepts, and will wrap up tests and dive into Unit 2: Number Stories (word problems) and Arrays! This unit will expand on multiplication and solving number stories with different strategies. Students will be taught the term and idea of "arrays."

Math homelinks should not be taking extended amounts of time, or causing extensive frustration. Please contact me if this is happening. We are learning the skills daily in class, and we have discussed what the role "learner" means. It is our job to ask questions for understanding as our community should be a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes. Sometimes learning is a healthy struggle; not everything comes easy! Learning this can be hard and frustrating, but that helps us become stronger! 

A Peek into Next Week: 

  • Thank you for your time at conferences! I know you are busy and I am so thankful for touching with base with you about your student! 
  • Inferences and Number Stories!
  • Reflecting upon conference goals and planning!
  • Continuing with cursive and writing!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Happy October: A Week in our Shoes! 

Can you figure out what these picture puzzles are saying? Ask a third grader!

Literacy: Monitoring & Visualizing!

Visualize, visualize, visualize! That's what we have been doing! We have been logging the books we read during IDR, sharing our mental images, and discussing our schema! Through our Making Meaning curriculum, we have also been focusing on social emotional goals as well. We have been reflecting on how to be a fair partner, listen respectfully, and analyzing the effect of their behavior on others and on the group work. 

Math: Unit 1!

This week we continued our review of mathematical concepts such as time, place value, rounding, sharing of equal groups (division), and multiplication. Next week we will wrap up our review and measure temperature. At the end of the week we will show off our skills on our Unit 1 Assessment!

Math homelinks should not be taking extended amounts of time, or causing extensive frustration. Please contact me if this is happening. We are learning the skills daily in class, and we have discussed what the role "learner" means. It is our job to ask questions for understanding as our community should be a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes. Sometimes learning is a healthy struggle; not everything comes easy! Learning this can be hard and frustrating, but that helps us become stronger! 

A Peek into Next Week: 

  • Please sign up for conferences if you haven't already!
  • Visualizing and inferences!
    • Investigating our schema and how it helps us understand and learn!
    • Assess Math Unit 1 concepts!
    • Continuing with cursive and writing!

    Monday, October 1, 2018

    Happy First Month of 3rd Grade: 

    Can you believe it's been a month already? We are already well into our routines and it has been amazing to see these brilliant young minds make this community their own. 

    Literacy: Monitoring & Visualizing!

    This week was spent wrapping up our thinking strategy of meta-cognition with monitoring! Students received their own "monitor marks" to help them keep track of their thinking and be purposeful when confused. Through this strategy, we spent time practicing and then asked to think about their monitoring on their own!

    Our next strategy to encourage reading comprehension is visualizing! We spent time creating our own mental images during a shared read aloud, and then explaining them! Students were surprised at how different theirs differed from each other and from the author/illustrator! Why is this? Our schema! Our own background knowledge shapes our understanding and perspective!

    Math: Unit 1!

    We began unit one with review of time and rounding. We will continue to review and build on these strategies! Next week we will look at displaying, interpreting, and displaying data, as well as the concepts of multiplication and division!

    Math homelinks should not be taking extended amounts of time, or causing extensive frustration. Please contact me if this is happening. We are learning the skills daily in class, and we have discussed what the role "learner" means. It is our job to ask questions for understanding as our community should be a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes. Sometimes learning is a healthy struggle; not everything comes easy! Learning this can be hard and frustrating, but that helps us become stronger! 

    A Peek into Next Week: 

    • Late Start is this Thursday!
      • Investigating our background knowledge and how it helps us understand and learn!
      • Review of data, more rounding, elapsed time, and factors!
      • Starting cursive and continuing with writing!