End of the day “Planner Time!” Dance, sit, chill, clean up, write in planners until the song is over for end of the day! pic.twitter.com/0i5KNVP7Al— Mrs.Gleason-MBGrade3 (@gleasonMB3) March 15, 2019
A Week in our Shoes
Continuing our Biography Unit and Investigating History!
We learned about Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina Supreme Court Justice, and about the other first female supreme court justices! As March is Women's History month, it has been a wonderful way to integrate social studies!
We will wrap up this unit and learning prior to spring break.
We have also been focusing on tier 2 academic vocabulary words. These are words we may use in school, but not maybe not in our own everday conversations. Learning these words and understanding their multiple meanings helps us to unlock more learning! Words have POWER!
Through this unit, we will continue to address MN English Language Arts standards ask and answer questions referring to the text and describe characters in a story, as well as Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Through our Making Meaning curriculum, we have also been focusing on social emotional goals as well. We have been reflecting on how to be a fair partner, listen respectfully, and analyzing the effect of their behavior on others and on the group work. Students will continue to share, take responsibility for their sharing/learning, and refer to the text to prove ideas and thoughts.We learned about Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina Supreme Court Justice, and about the other first female supreme court justices! As March is Women's History month, it has been a wonderful way to integrate social studies!
We will wrap up this unit and learning prior to spring break.
We have also been focusing on tier 2 academic vocabulary words. These are words we may use in school, but not maybe not in our own everday conversations. Learning these words and understanding their multiple meanings helps us to unlock more learning! Words have POWER!
Math: Assessing our Understanding of Basic Fraction Concepts and Multiplication!
This unit focused heavily on mental strategies and representing multiplication. We watched Mrs. Gleason solving problems and with our partners, had to determine if it was efficient or not!
We assessed our understanding through SeeSaw exit tickets. Students will be able to hear my thoughts and feedback on the activity one it has been graded. Prior to spring break we will work on more multiplication strategies in order to have a way of multiplying larger numbers. After break we will continue this and also circle back to fractions and representing them on numberlines, etc.
Through this unit we are addressing the following standards:
This unit focused heavily on mental strategies and representing multiplication. We watched Mrs. Gleason solving problems and with our partners, had to determine if it was efficient or not!
We assessed our understanding through SeeSaw exit tickets. Students will be able to hear my thoughts and feedback on the activity one it has been graded. Prior to spring break we will work on more multiplication strategies in order to have a way of multiplying larger numbers. After break we will continue this and also circle back to fractions and representing them on numberlines, etc.
Through this unit we are addressing the following standards:
- Read and write fractions with words and symbols.
- Recognize that fractions can be used to represent parts of a whole, parts of a set, points on a number line, or distances on a number line.
- Understand that the size of a fractional part is related to the size of the whole.
- Understand what denominators and numerators are, use models to show them, and order/compare fractions with like denominators!
- Represent multiplication facts in a variety of ways.
- Use strategies such as mental strategies, partial products, standard algorithm, commutative, associative, and distributive properties.
Math homelinks should not be taking extended amounts of time, or causing extensive frustration. Please contact me if this is happening. We are learning the skills daily in class, and we have discussed what the role "learner" means. It is our job to ask questions for understanding as our community should be a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes. Sometimes learning is a healthy struggle; not everything comes easy! Learning this can be hard and frustrating, but that helps us become stronger!
A Peek into This Week:
- Multiplying larger numbers!
- Drumming, drumming, drumming!
- Continuing our research project & editing and revising our personal narratives!
- Defining and studying Empathy as our kindness trait for March!
- There are NO MORE LATE STARTS this year.