Monday, December 10, 2018

A Week in our Shoes: December 3-7th, 2018

Literacy: Asking Questions and Wondering!

The Emperor and the Kite by Jane Yolen

Through our Making Meaning curriculum, we have also been focusing on social emotional goals as well. We have been reflecting on how to be a fair partner, listen respectfully, and analyzing the effect of their behavior on others and on the group work. Students will continue to share, take responsibility for their sharing/learning, and refer to the text to prove ideas and thoughts.

Math: Unit 3 The Four Operations

Unit three has us exploring the inverse operations of addition and subtraction. As we learn different strategies, including the most efficient ones, we need to understand that you can check your work with the inverse operation! If we are subtracting, we know we can check our work by adding to see if we get the correct total!

Math homelinks should not be taking extended amounts of time, or causing extensive frustration. Please contact me if this is happening. We are learning the skills daily in class, and we have discussed what the role "learner" means. It is our job to ask questions for understanding as our community should be a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes. Sometimes learning is a healthy struggle; not everything comes easy! Learning this can be hard and frustrating, but that helps us become stronger! 

A Peek into Next Week: 

  • Focusing on Gratitude for the month of December!
  • Wrapping up Unit 3 in order to review and assess prior to break!
  • Publishing our first stories through the writing process!

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