A Week in our Shoes
Asking Questions and Wondering
Unit 4 of our Making Meaning Curriculum has us exploring the thinking strategy of Questioning and Wondering! We wrapped up unit 4 and discussed being brave through the book, Brave Irene! We also were introduced to personification, and how and why the author may use this!
We will be starting Unit 5 this week! This unit will focus on biographies. We will extend our learning with more about Civil Rights, individuals that stood up for change, and women history makers of all backgrounds and cultures!
We will be starting Unit 5 this week! This unit will focus on biographies. We will extend our learning with more about Civil Rights, individuals that stood up for change, and women history makers of all backgrounds and cultures!
Through this unit, we will continue to address MN English Language Arts standards ask and answer questions referring to the text and describe characters in a story, as well as Recount stories, including fables, folktales, and myths from diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral and explain how it is conveyed through key details in the text. Through our Making Meaning curriculum, we have also been focusing on social emotional goals as well. We have been reflecting on how to be a fair partner, listen respectfully, and analyzing the effect of their behavior on others and on the group work. Students will continue to share, take responsibility for their sharing/learning, and refer to the text to prove ideas and thoughts.
What’s your Friday dance?! Having fun with our morning routine! Thanks @getyourteachon for the invigorating conference! pic.twitter.com/pPAm4nWiZZ— Mrs.Gleason-MBGrade3 (@gleasonMB3) January 25, 2019
Math: Unit 4
Measurement & Geometry (the study of shape, size, position of figures, and the properties of space) This week we will continue to list the properties or attributes of 2D shapes.
Your mathematician should be able to count the number of sides, identify parallel and perpendicular lines, and be able to name shapes based on such attributes.This Unit covers the following MN State Standards: Identify parallel and perpendicular lines in various contexts, and use them to describe and create geometric shapes, such as right triangles, rectangles, parallelograms and trapezoids.
This unit covers the following standards: Sketch polygons with a given number of sides or vertices (corners), such as pentagons, hexagons and octagons. Using half units while measuring Finding the perimeter of a polygon by adding up the length of the sides Measuring the distance around objects Collect, display and interpret data using frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs and number line plots having a variety of scales. Use appropriate titles, labels and units.
We will continue to review measurement standards concerning measuring time, temperature, and making change. These continue to spiral through our curriculum.
Vocabulary plays a large part in our "Decoding" of math. Try incorporating this unit's terms, such as: parallel, perpendicular, quadrilateral, trapezoid, rhombus, parallelogram.
I am also teaching the following roots in order to support students in their decoding, and their word recognition skills, try finding words with them and seeing how the root affects the meaning:
quad (4), penta (5), hex (6), oct (8), non (9), deca (10)
Math homelinks should not be taking extended amounts of time, or causing extensive frustration. Please contact me if this is happening. We are learning the skills daily in class, and we have discussed what the role "learner" means. It is our job to ask questions for understanding as our community should be a safe place to ask questions and make mistakes. Sometimes learning is a healthy struggle; not everything comes easy! Learning this can be hard and frustrating, but that helps us become stronger!
A Peek into This Week:
- Focusing on Self-Control through the month of January!
- Continuing our study of measurement through Unit 4 and addressing MN Standards!
- Investigating mentor author texts and thinking about our own personal narrative topics!
- Adding our Name Projects to Seesaw and posting!
- Defining and studying Assertive behavior in the month of February!
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